
Folk 10 views see through the fog of the two vote system


Now, the two vote system has been gradually implemented in most provinces, and the practices of all localities are not completely consistent. The response of enterprises to this practice is not entirely consistent. There are reasons for ideas, interests and strategies. The practices of these provinces are both pressure and opportunity for enterprises.

Therefore, while actively reflecting our own opinions, we should turn pressure into opportunities. After all, a few pharmaceutical enterprises may withdraw from the market, and the pharmaceutical industry will continue to exist.

I have summed up ten views on the two vote system.

1. The several vote system is a voluntary choice made by the two market subjects of enterprises and hospitals for the mode of drug trading, and the two vote system is only one of them. Voluntary selection is in line with national laws and regulations and the principle of minimum market transaction cost and maximum profit. The government can encourage, advocate and implement it, but it should not make mandatory and punitive provisions.


2. The two ticket system is suitable for the purchase and sale of most drugs because of its simple process, convenient operation and low cost. Therefore, under the condition of voluntary choice, the two ticket restriction accounts for 60% of the drug market sales share.

However, the two ticket system is not suitable for drug sales and distribution in remote grass-roots and towns with many points, a wide range, a small amount and a long way. The drug sales and distribution in these places need to be reclassified. For these places, the multi vote system is more convenient, simple and cheap than the two vote system. On this point, hospitals and pharmaceutical enterprises have the same understanding.


3. The two vote system has nothing to do with price. The current drug price depends on the bidding or the second and third bargaining after bidding. No matter how many votes are made, this fixed price cannot be shaken.


4. The implementation of the two vote system has reduced the crackdown on "affiliated" and "ticket issuing". In addition to the actual needs of the multi vote system with more than two votes, there are some illegal acts such as "affiliated" and "ticket" in some places.

However, the state has explicitly prohibited "affiliated" and "ticket issuing". There are both prohibitions and penalties. It is natural and reasonable to investigate and punish them in accordance with the law and regulations. There is no need to pour out the bath water with the child. Cracking down on "affiliated" and "ticket" is to crack down on illegal business, while cracking down on the multi ticket system is groundless in law.


5. Enterprises should not oppose the two vote system (including the one vote system), but should oppose "coercion". Opposition to "coercion" is in line with the spirit of the documents of the State Council, while opposition to the one vote system and two vote system is not in line with the spirit of the documents of the State Council.

These two kinds of objections are different in object, reason, intensity and strength.

The government does not force it to hand over the right to choose the vote system to both sides of the transaction - pharmaceutical enterprises and hospitals, which is not only in line with the market law and respect for market subjects, but also in line with the speech spirit of simplifying administration and delegating power and reducing unnecessary administrative intervention emphasized by Premier Li Keqiang many times.

Enterprises should suit the remedy to the case and point to the key. Don't choose the wrong direction and find the wrong goal. Whether to force or not is a legal and reasonable dispute, not a dispute of interests.


6. The compulsory implementation of the two vote system is not conducive to people's livelihood. Although the two ticket system has cracked down on "affiliated" and "ticket", it has also brought containment to small drug circulation enterprises in counties and towns all over the country.

These small enterprises are the necessary support of the township and rural areas that are still short of medical treatment. They are related to the people's livelihood and the government must pay attention to them. Some provinces stipulate in the document that the "votes" below the county level are not included in the number of votes, which is reasonable. We hope that all localities can learn and promote it.


7. The compulsory implementation of the two vote system is that the local administrative organs set up their own administrative power. In June this year, the opinions on the implementation of the two vote system issued by eight departments including the medical reform office of the State Council actually have no new ideas.

The food and drug administration, the health and Family Planning Commission, traditional Chinese medicine, taxation and relevant departments have not issued regulations on the implementation of the two vote system according to law, nor have they issued regulations on how to investigate and deal with the non implementation of the two vote system according to law. The practices of these departments are wise and legal.

Because there is no such "law", how can we follow the law? The only compulsory measure is the measure of the centralized drug procurement agency: "cancel the qualification of bidding, winning the bid and distribution, and include it in the bad record." Although this is only a non-governmental department exercising quasi administrative power beyond its authority, it has a great restrictive effect on enterprises.


8. The two vote system is beneficial to the healthy development of the pharmaceutical industry. Although the compulsory implementation of the two vote system is illegal and unreasonable, cracking down on and cleaning up "affiliated" and "ticket" is the protection of legitimate business. Industry associations and pharmaceutical enterprises should support and cooperate, and should not regard the two vote system as damage to the industry.


9. Correct response of enterprises in two pairs:
First, seize this opportunity to promote asset restructuring, merger and alliance and enterprise expansion;
Second, reorganize the sales mode of classified drugs and firmly grasp the terminal of the hospital;
Third, qualified pharmaceutical production enterprises can establish sales companies and move towards the trinity of scientific research, production and sales;
Fourth, small wholesale enterprises (this small standard is also increasing), "affiliated" and "ticket" enterprises will consciously transform or enter the market as soon as possible;
Fifth, pay attention to drug distribution in special areas (rural areas) and special institutions (grass-roots level);
Sixth, we should study how to maintain and even improve the new sales mode of the hospital after the gold sales to the hospital are curbed;
Seventh, the medical representatives should set things right and return to the right path, and vigorously carry out normal academic exchanges and cooperation between pharmaceutical enterprises and hospital doctors.


10. Whether you can buy medicine is better than whether you can afford it! In the past, blindly suppressing drug prices led to drug shortages, especially the shortage or even supply interruption of a large number of urgently needed drugs, which is an unbearable burden for the society; Now blindly reducing the ticket system may lead to the difficulty of purchasing and delivering drugs in special areas and special institutions, especially in rural areas where there was a shortage of doctors and drugs.

Source: Cypress blue Author: Riverside bird

